Kotlin Code Smell 25 - State as Properties

Kotlin Code Smell 25 - State as Properties

Avoiding State Pitfalls

When an object changes its state, the best solution is to modify the attribute, right?


  • Mutability

  • Attribute Polluting

  • Setters


  1. Use immutable objects

  2. The model states as mathematical set inclusion.

  3. Separate the state from the object as it is accidental.


  • State diagrams

Sample Code


sealed class OrderState
data object OrderStatePending : OrderState()
data object OrderStateConfirmed: OrderState()

class Order(private val items: List<Int>) {

    private var state: OrderState = OrderStatePending

    fun changeState(newState: OrderState) {
        state = newState


sealed class OrderState
data object OrderStatePending : OrderState()
data object OrderStateConfirmed: OrderState()

data class Order(val items: List<Int>, val state: OrderState)

val items = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val pendingOrder = Order(items, OrderStatePending)
val confirmedOrder = pendingOrder.copy(state = OrderStateConfirmed)


  • Over Design

  • Performance issues (if a serious benchmark supports it).


This technique is elegant but can lead to overdesign. For example, changing a visual component's color should be a counterexample of this smell.

We should be aware and very cautious as with any other smell.

These are hints and not rigid rules.
